The Milwaukee Chapter of the Federalist Society has elected a new slate of officers:
President Matthew Fernholz
Vice-President CJ Szafir
Vice-President of Programming Lucas Vebber
Treasurer Anne-Louise Mittal
Secretary Erica Kolo
Director of Events Anthony LoCoco
Director of Social Media Kelly Krause
Fernholz, Szafir, Mittal, and Kolo return as officers, while Vebber, LoCoco, and Krause join as new officers. While great diversity exists among the officers in terms of their legal backgrounds, all are eager to promote the mission of the Federalist Society in Milwaukee.
The Chapter applauds outgoing Chapter President Robert Driscoll, for all of his hard work the past four years and for planning many successful events. We would also like to extend our gratitude to former Webmaster Terrence Berres, who served in that role for 23 years before stepping down. Thank you both!